Thursday, January 19, 2012


This is the first of The Bachman Books, and also the very first Stephen King work that I read. Most people equate King with horror, but I think that he lives beyond that genre and is a skilled fiction writer. Not sure you believe me? Well, you probably enjoyed "The Green Mile," or "Shawshank Redemption," or "Stand By Me," just to name a few.

King has mentioned that his inspiration for this novel is the frustration experienced as a teen in high school. I think many people can identify with that. Perhaps too many, since the paperback of this novel became associated with a number of high school shootings. After an incident in 1997, where a copy of rage was found in the students locker, King asked that Rage be taken out of publication. I am not a fan of censorship, but I can understand why someone might feel that their work was inspirational in a not so healthy way. This novel is still available in The Bachman Books.

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