Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Sun Dog

No, this is not about the weather phenomenon. Rather it is about another crazy dog, but this time, the dog is trapped in a Polaroid camera. 

A boy gets a Polaroid as a gift and no matter what he points the camera at, it takes pictures of a strange place. So, of course, he has to keep taking pictures to see what is wrong with it - not out of stupidity, out of curiosity. But, each picture is a little different than the last. Soon a dog begins to appear. The boy takes the camera to Pop Merrill (Ace Merrill's uncle - Ace, from The Body/Stand By Me) and greed takes hold.

It is a good story and Pop gets his comeuppance, the aftermath is seen again in Needful Things.
Every story has its own secret life, quite separate from its setting, and "The Sun Dog" is a story about cameras and photographs. My wife, Tabitha, became interested in photography, discovered she was good at it, and began to pursue it in a serious way, through study, experiment, and practice-practice-practice. In the course of her experiments, my wife got a Polaroid camera, a simple one accessible even to a doofus like me. I became fascinated with this camera. I had seen and used Polaroids before, of course, but I had never really thought about them much, nor had I ever looked closely at the images these cameras produce. The more I thought about them, the stranger they seemed. They are, after all, not just images but moments of time . . . and there is something so peculiar about them.
This story came almost all at once one night in the summer of 1987, but the thinking which made it possible went on for almost a year.

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